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Simple Properties

To get the most out of this section, first read Chapters 7, Properties, and Chapter 8, Introspection, of the JavaBeans API Specification.

If you create a Bean class, give it an instance variable named color, and access color through a getter method named getColor and a setter method named setColor, then you have created a property.

Properties are aspects of a Bean's appearance and behavior that are changeable at design time.

Property getter and setter method names follow specific rules, called design patterns. By using these design pattern-based method names, JavaBeans-enabled builder tools (and the BeanBox) can

For example, a builder tool, on introspecting your Bean, discovers two methods:

public Color getColor() { ... }
public void setColor(Color c) { ... }
From this the builder tool infers that a property named color exists, that it is readable and writeable, and that it's type is Color. Further, the builder tool can attempt to locate a property editor for that type, and display the property (usually in a property sheet) so it can be edited.

Adding a Color Property to SimpleBean

Make the following changes to to add a color property:

  1. Create and initialize a private instance variable.
       private Color color =; 
  2. Write a public getter method.
       public Color getColor(){
         return color;
  3. Write a public setter method.
        public void setColor(Color newColor){
         color = newColor;
  4. Override the inherited paint() method. This is a requirement for all subclasses of Canvas.
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
         g.fillRect(20, 5, 20, 30);
  5. Compile the Bean, load it in the ToolBox, and create an instance in the BeanBox.

The results are:

Here is a BeanBox illustration showing the revised SimpleBean instance within the BeanBox, SimpleBean's new color property within the Properties sheet, and the Color property editor shipped with the BeanBox. Remember, clicking on the color property entry in the Properties sheet displays this editor.

You can change the color property by menu, or by RGB value. Try changing colors.

Here is the complete SimpleBean source code, revised to add a color property.

package sunw.demo.simple;
import java.awt.*;
public class SimpleBean extends Canvas
                     implements Serializable{
  private Color color =;
  //property getter method
  public Color getColor(){
     return color;
  //property setter method. Sets new SimpleBean
  //color and repaints.
  public void setColor(Color newColor){
     color = newColor;
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
   g.fillRect(20, 5, 20, 30);
  //Constructor sets inherited properties
  public SimpleBean(){

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