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How to Use Actions

If you have two or more components that perform the same function, consider using an Action(in the API reference documentation) object to implement the function. An Action object is an ActionListener(in the Creating a User Interface trail) that provides not only action-event handling, but also centralized handling of the text, icon, and enabled state of tool bar buttons or menu items. By adding an Action to a JToolBar, JMenu, or JPopupMenu, you get the following features: Here's an example of using an Action to create a tool-bar button and menu item that perform the same function:
Action leftAction = new <a class that implements Action>(...);
JButton button = toolBar.add(leftAction);
JMenuItem menuItem = mainMenu.add(leftAction);

For a button or menu item to get the full benefit of using an Action, you must create the component using the add(Action) method of JToolBar, JMenu, or JPopupMenu. Currently, no API beyond addActionListener(ActionListener) exists to connect an Action to an already existing component. For example, although you can add an Action object as an action listener to any button, the button won't be notified when the action is disabled.

To create an Action object, you generally create a subclass of AbstractAction(in the API reference documentation) and then instantiate it. In your subclass, you must implement the actionPerformed method to react appropriately when the action event occurs. Here's an example of creating and instantiating an AbstractAction subclass:

leftAction = new AbstractAction("Go left",
                                new ImageIcon("images/left.gif")) {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        displayResult("Action for first button/menu item", e);

Here's a picture of a demo application that uses actions to implement three features.

Try this:
  1. Compile and run the application. The source file is You will also need three image files: left.gif, middle.gif, and right.gif.
    See Getting Started with Swing if you need help.
  2. Choose the top item from the left menu (Menu->Go left).
    The text area displays some text identifying both the event source and the action listener that received the event.
  3. Click the leftmost button in the tool bar.
    The text area again displays information about the event. Note that although the source of the events is different, both events were detected by the same action listener: the Action object with which the components were created.
  4. Choose the top item from the Action State menu.
    This disables the "Go left" Action object, which in turn disables its associated menu item and button.

Here is what the user sees when the "Go left" action is disabled:

Here's the code that disables the "Go left" action:

boolean selected = ...//true if the action should be enabled; false, otherwise
After you create components using an Action, you might well need to customize them. For example, you might want to set the tool-tip text for a button. Or you might want to customize the appearance of one of the components by adding or deleting the icon or text. For example, has no icons in its menus, no text in its buttons, and tool tips for its buttons. Here's the code that accomplishes this:
button = toolBar.add(leftAction);
button.setText(""); //an icon-only button
button.setToolTipText("This is the left button");
menuItem = mainMenu.add(leftAction);
menuItem.setIcon(null); //arbitrarily chose not to use icon in menu


[PENDING: Put tables here]

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