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How to Use Panels

This page will cover the use of JPanel(in the API reference documentation). For now, we provide a list of examples that use panels with different layout managers and one that subclasses JPanel:

Example Where Described Notes How to Use Buttons. A subclass of JPanel. Uses FlowLayout, the default layout manager of a panel. How to Use Toolbar. Shows a panel with three components laid out by BorderLayout. How to Use Borders. Contains several panels that use GridBagLayout. How to Use BoxLayout. Illustrates the use of a panel with Swing's BoxLayout manager. How to Use Labels. Uses a panel whose three components are laid out in a grid by GridLayout. How to Use Tabbed panes. A subclass of JPanel that creates its GUI in its constructor and uses a GridLayout.

The JPanel API

[PENDING: Put tables here]

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