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How to Make Frames (Main Windows)

Most Swing applications present their primary GUIs within a JFrame(in the API reference documentation) -- a top-level Swing container that provides windows for applets and applications. A frame has decorations such as a border, a title, and buttons for closing and iconifying the window. A typical program simply creates a frame, adds components to its content pane, and perhaps adds a menu bar. However, through its root pane, JFrame provides support for further customization.

To make a window that's dependent on another window -- disappearing when the other window is iconified, for example -- use a dialog instead of a frame. To make a window that appears within another window, use an internal frame.

Here are two pictures of the same program,, running on different platforms. The program brings up a frame that contains something interesting to look at.
[PENDING: run this on
Windows and get a snapshot]

Note: The specific decorations on a frame are system-dependent. You cannot change the decorations on a frame.

Below is the code from that creates the frame in the previous example.

public static void main(String s[]) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("A Basic Frame");

    WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    JLabel aLabel = new JLabel("Something to look at",
                                       new ImageIcon("images/beach.gif"),
    frame.getContentPane().add(aLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

The code creates a frame with the title A Basic Frame and adds a window listener to it that will exit the program when the user closes the frame.

The italic lines of code create the label that displays the text and image in the frame. This is essentially this program's GUI. If you use this program as a framework for your own program, replace the italicized code to create the components that make up your program's GUI.

The bold line adds the label to the frame's content pane. Refer to Adding Components to a Frame for further details and examples.

For a frame to appear on the screen, a program must either call setSize or pack, and then call setVisible(true) or its equivalent, show. This program packs the frame and uses setVisible. Note that if any of the GUI is already visible, you should invoke setVisible from the event dispatching thread. Refer to the Threads and Swing page.

This code is typical of many programs and is the framework we used to create many of the examples for this lesson (including and Some examples in this lesson, such as and, subclass JFrame and instantiate the frame subclass instead of JFrame. In these programs, the GUI is created in the constructor for the subclass. You might do this in your programs if you need to subclass JFrame for some reason.

JFrame itself is a subclass of java.awt.Frame(in the API reference documentation) to which it adds support for interposing input and painting behavior in front of the frame's children, placing children on different "layers", and for Swing menu bars. Generally speaking, you should use a JFrame instead of a Frame, for these reasons:

Adding Components to a Frame

As you saw in, to add components to a JFrame, you add them to the frame's content pane. Two common techniques are used to provide the components for a frame's content pane:

The JFrame API

The following tables list the commonly used JFrame constructors and methods. Other methods you're likely to call are defined by the Frame(in the API reference documentation) and Window(in the API reference documentation) classes and include pack, setSize, show, hide, setVisible, setTitle, and getTitle.

Much of the operation of a frame is managed by other objects. For example, the interior of a frame is managed by its root pane, and the content pane contains the frame's GUI. Most of the API for using frames is related to Setting and Getting the Frame's Helper Objects.

The API for using frames falls into two categories:

Creating and Setting Up a Frame
Method Purpose
Create a frame. The String argument provides a title for the frame.
void setDefaultCloseOperation(int)
int getDefaultCloseOperation()
Set or get the operation that occurs when the user pushes the close button on this frame. Possible choices are:
  • HIDE_ON_CLOSE (the default)
These constants are defined in the WindowConstants(in the API reference documentation) interface.

Setting and Getting the Frame's Helper Objects
Method Purpose
void setContentPane(Container)
Container getContentPane()
Set or get the frame's content pane. You can also set or get this through the frame's root pane.
JRootPane createRootPane()
void setRootPane(JRootPane)
JRootPane getRootPane()
Create, set, or get the frame's root pane. The root pane manages the interior of the frame including the content pane, the glass pane, and so on.
void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar)
JMenuBar getJMenuBar()
Set or get the frame's menu bar. You can also set or get this through the frame's root pane.
void setGlassPane(Component)
Component getGlassPane()
Set or get the frame's glass pane. You can also set or get this through the frame's root pane.
void setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane)
JLayeredPane getLayeredPane()
Set or get the frame's layered pane. You can also set or get this through the frame's root pane.

Examples that Use JFrame

This table lists examples that use JFrame and where those examples are described.

Example Where Described Notes This page. A basic frame with one component. How to Use Text Fields A subclass of JFrame. How to Use Tables A subclass of JFrame that sets the frame's content pane. How to Use Icons Adds many components to the default content pane. How to Use Layered Panes Illustrates the use of a frame's layered pane. The Glass Pane Illustrates the use of a frame's glass pane. How to Use Menus Shows how to put a JMenuBar in a JFrame.

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